
“Nothing wrong in ball tampering, lift Warner’s captaincy ban,” Allan Border says teams should be allowed to scratch the cricket ball if they want

MCC laws state that no player is allowed to make a deliberate attempt to change the shape of the ball in any way

The former Australian captain Allan Border, who is also fondly called the godfather of Australian cricket because of him being the first Australian captain to win the World Cup, has passed a strange statement and has said that there is nothing wrong with “ball tampering”.

Allan Border was in a conversation with a publication named The West Australian and when he was asked about David Warner’s lifetime captaincy ban by Cricket Australia which was invoked on Warner because of his involvement in ball tampering in 2018, Border said the ban should be removed as soon as possible.

Border insisted that there is not a single team in the world that has not been involved in ball tampering. There is no former captain who led an international side in the past and he can be brutally honest and say that he didn’t get indulged in ball tampering. Everyone did it, it’s just that Warner and the other Australian players were caught doing it on camera.

Allan Border is also of the view that if anything, ball tampering by natural means should be allowed in the game and if a side wants to scratch the ball with sandpaper or metallic bottle caps in order to prepare it for reverse swing, they should be allowed to do it.

The statement of Allan Border has shocked many fans

This is a shocking statement from a reputed cricketing figure like Allan Border, because MCC laws, which are applicable in the game at the moment, clearly state that a deliberate attempt to change the shape of the ball while the ball is still in play is illegal.

With a lot of cameras in operation during every international cricket match these days and every move of the players being scrutinized, there have not been too many cases of ball tampering in modern-day cricket, but such cases were very prevalent in the past.


I write a bit on cricket and I am more interested in technical and tactical side of the game, rather than bravado.
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