
‘I warned Naseem over and over again to put his cricketing distractions behind him’-Naseem Shah’s father reveals that they did not support him to pursue cricket

For his courageous efforts in the Asia Cup 2022, which is now taking place, Naseem Shah has garnered a lot of praise from a variety of different people. However, to pursue his ambition of being a cricket player for Pakistan, the pacer had to go against the wishes of his family.

Recently, Naseem’s father, Abbas Shah, divulged his opposition to the idea that his son should pursue a career in cricket when he was interacting with a Pakistani television program. He said that there were instances when he even slapped him for being so careless with his schoolwork.

Abbas claimed that the only person who supported him was Naseem’s brother, who provided him with money in a covert manner. He went on to explain that the speedster would frequently declare that he would one day play for Pakistan, only to have family members laugh at him for it.

What did the father of Naseem Shah say?

He remarked that: “I warned Naseem over and over again to put his cricketing distractions behind him and concentrate on his schoolwork instead. Nobody here supported Naseem; the only one who did was his brother, who would slip him money behind our backs. When his mother was still alive, he would often declare that he would one day represent Pakistan. We used to make jokes about how a guy from Dir could join the Pakistani national cricket team.”

In addition to this, Abbas highlighted how the cricketer often becomes upset while thinking about his mother, who died in 2019 as the result of a cardiac attack. He added:

“Every time he thinks of her, he breaks down and tears. According to him, his mother would have been overjoyed to see him wearing the Pakistan jersey if she had been around.”

When Naseem received the news that his mother had passed away, he was on tour with the Pakistani squad in Australia. The player made the decision not to go back to his own nation and instead remained with the squad. After a few days had passed, he made his debut in a test match against the Australian team in Brisbane.

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